Hikmat, Manal and Sadeen and their families were forced to leave their homes in Syria and escape to save their lives when the war started in 2011.
Today, thousands live in Za'atari, which started as a temporary refugee camp on the Jordan border and is now home to 80,000 refugees. More than half of them are children, and a whole new generation was born in the camp.
With the help of our supporters, UNICEF was able to stay and support the ever-changing needs of children and their families who lost everything in the war.
But how do you help children transition from emergency to everyday life?
The Za’atari Refugee Camp in Jordan
Giving children stability, safety and comfort from their surrounding environment is essential for their development and wellbeing. This is why over the past 10 years, we've worked hard to give children in Za'atari everything they need to grow up healthy and look forward to new opportunities. Better homes to live in, clean drinking water, nearby health facilities, schools where they can learn and playgrounds where they can make friends - all essential for a child to thrive.
When you include a gift to UNICEF in your Will, you can protect children in all aspects of life and stand by their side when help is needed.
We understand that leaving a gift in your Will is a very personal decision, and something that requires a lot of thought and consideration. That's why we created our Gifts in Wills guide you can download below, which has all the information you’ll need.
Leave a gift in your Will
A gift in your Will is one of the most inspiring ways to give back and ensure UNICEF is there for every child in need for generations to come. No matter what. Find out more about how you can leave a gift in your Will.