Gaza crisis ceasefire response. Rush supplies to children in need.
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We’re an Australian charity with a global footprint, providing children and young people with the foundation they need to thrive. 

Every day, we’re working with families, communities and local organisations to better the lives of children and young people here in the Asia Pacific and around the world. From emergency relief to long-term development solutions, we work alongside our partners to ensure that every child is healthy, educated and safe so that they can thrive to reach their full potential. No matter what. 

100% donor funded, UNICEF Australia is anchored by the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and we’re committed to delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals

There for children who need us the most

Delivering long-term international development programs and partnering with local organisations who are doing the same.

On the ground for children when crisis strikes

Responding to humanitarian emergencies, delivering short- and long-term support and protection for children in crisis situations.

Championing the voice of children and their rights

Advocating for children by influencing policy and guiding decision makers in prioritising children’s best interests at all times.

Creating sustainable change for every child in need

How we're making an impact in the Asia Pacific region

With your help we provide 

UNICEF Australia is working at community and policy levels to influence meaningful, long-term and sustainable change. 

We’re responding to 

UNICEF Australia provides high-impact, low-cost solutions that address the challenges faced by many families across the world. 

We work in over 190 countries 

UNICEF has a local presence and a global reach. We’re active in more than 190 countries and territories – more than any other children’s organisation. To improve the lives of vulnerable children, we’ve also made a special commitment to support critical, underfunded programs, here in Australia and across the Asia Pacific with a key focus on the following countries.

Help UNICEF. Become a Global Parent. 

As a Global Parent, your monthly donation will provide steady, ongoing support for a child at the most critical time of their growth and development.   

Father and child reading together
© UNICEFAustralia/Ziaziaris