Tell a UNICEF Australia staff member
We encourage you to speak with a UNICEF Australia staff member who will then escalate your complaint to the relevant person.
Child-friendly complaints portal
If you ever feel upset about something a UNICEF Australia worker said or did, you can let us know. We take all complaints seriously!
Our complaint handling process
Step 1. We will ask you
- Details about your concern
- Whether anyone is in danger
- How you wish to be contacted
- Your name and contact details (unless you choose to remain anonymous).
Step 2. We will confirm with you that
- If you have contacted us via email or our website, we will contact you within 24 hours
- If you have contacted us via phone, you will be informed as per Step 4
- Your complaint will be referred to the relevant person
- You can contact us at any time via email
Step 3. The relevant person will contact you to:
- Tell you we’ve received your complaint
- Confirm all details are correct
- Ask for more information if required
- Advise if we are legally obligated to report to an external agency (e.g., police)
- Let you know what support options are available to you
Step 4. We will then assess your complaint and tell you:
- Whether a formal investigation will occur
- Estimated timeline and process (if applicable)
Step 5. You will be updated when:
- The investigation (if applicable) is complete, or the matter is closed
- If you aren’t satisfied with the outcome, you can appeal the decision
Appealing the decision
You can make an appeal to the next management level. If the matter involves an executive-level manager, it should be referred immediately to our CEO at
If the complaint involves the CEO, it should be referred to the Chair of the Board
If you feel we breached the ACFID Code of Conduct, you can contact ACFID
Your feedback and complaints hold us accountable and ensure that we’re continuously improving to the benefit of children and our supporters. To contact us, please select one of the below three options.
Contact our Supporter Relations Team
Call: 1300 884 233 Email:, Mail: PO Box 587, Pyrmont, NSW 2009
Tell a UNICEF Australia staff member
We encourage you to speak with a UNICEF Australia staff member who will then escalate your complaint to the relevant person.
For serious complaints
We encourage the reporting of unethical and illegal behaviour by emailing us at To speak with someone directly, contact our Chief Operating Officer, at