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6 ways you can keep your young person safe online

In today’s tech-driven era, kids and teens navigate a world shaped mainly by digital devices – it’s how they communicate, learn, and engage. To help you protect your child and teens online, we are providing tips, advice, and resources so that you feel well-equipped to help the young people in your life have a positive online experience.

1. Set clear ground rules

Have open and honest conversations to establish the rules on how, when and where they use their devices – and be consistent.

2. Use technology to protect them

Check that your child’s device is always updated and running the latest software and that privacy settings are on and configured to minimise data collection and sharing.

3. Keep personal information private

Talk to your child about why it's important to not share personal information when online like their name, location, where they go to school and participate in after school activities.

4. Proactively engage and listen

It’s important your teen knows that you are there for them - check-in with them regularly, make sure you listen without judgement, and help ensure they connect with people positively.

5. Model healthy online habits

Be mindful of the example you set and encourage your child to be kind online and to support friends and family by sending positive messages or emojis.

6. Let them have fun and express themselves

Spending time online can be a great opportunity for your children to be creative, learn, use their voice to share their views, and support causes that are important to them.

Online safety challenges young people are facing and how you can help them navigate it

If things get really serious with your child’s online safety, please get in touch with the eSafety Commissioner to report abuse, receive advice and browse their extensive online resources.  

Why UNICEF Australia is advocating for online safety

By the age of 12, every single Aussie child will be online (Bravehearts 2023).

Today's children are the first true digital natives. Born into a world of constant connectivity and smartphones, they will have an online presence almost from birth. They occupy online spaces more than any other group, making the design of these spaces crucial for their development and wellbeing.

UNICEF is dedicated to improving digital environments and keeping children safe online through cutting-edge research, programming, and listening to young people's voices. As a trusted advisor to governments and tech industry, we bridge these worlds in ways few organisations can. 

Given young people's unique developmental vulnerability, UNICEF Australia has made online safety and digital wellbeing a key focus. We are committed to creating a safer, more positive online experience for all children.

Sign up to learn more about online safety and other areas of UNICEF Australia’s work.

Infographic for online safety

UNICEF Youth – Staying safe online

Discover a space for young people to learn about the ever-changing online world, knowing their rights, protecting their privacy, staying safe and being a good friend online.   

More resources for online safety

Protecting children in the online world by reshaping the digital world for Aussie kids. 


Online safety advice for your family.

eSafety Commissioner

Supporting families to build essential digital skills to reduce their risk of exposure to online harm and empower them to successfully and safely navigate the digital world.

DigiTalk Resources

Supporting young people to take action on issues of (cyber)bullying, hate and prejudice within their communities.

Learn more

Five ways to help keep your child’s online experiences positive and safe.