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By UNICEF Australia
22 December 2020

It is vitally important in today’s world of modern technology that young people are empowered with critical thinking skills. 

Currently about half of Gen Z Australians use social media as their main source of news – the way they engage with news and information media is constantly evolving and we need to ensure they have the important knowledge and skills to adapt and thrive.

Children and adolescents need to be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction and critically assess the information they are consuming on social media and beyond. This not only affects their own decision making and views of the world but can have a huge impact on their parents and their communities.

In order to combat the high levels of misinformation online, protect children and ensure that all young people able are able to engage in a healthy constructive debate, our friends at the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, supported by Google.org, have worked with schools, academics and leading industry experts to develop the Media Literacy Lab.

A first-of-its-kind education resource for teachers and students aged 12-16 which provides the tools and education young people need. Media Literacy Lab aims to increase the media literacy knowledge and skills of young Australians, and support teachers to build their capacity and confidence in teaching media literacy, as part of their own practice.

For more information and to register for free until the end of 2021, go to medialiteracylab.org.au